My first post
Hello and welcome to my first post! This is also my first blog/website so please bear with me.
My name is Diogo, and I am from Maia, near Porto in Portugal. I am a 2nd year Integrated Masters (5-year course) student of Informatics and Computing Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, as well as being an External Student (and former Research Assistant) at INESC-TEC. I am also a competitive programmer, having made very decent achievements so far in the portuguese National Olympiad in Informatics and Inter-Universitary Programming Marathon, as well as in the International Olympiad in Informatics and the Ibero-American Competition of Informatics and Computation.
I thought this blog would be a good idea not because I have any special piece of inspiration or information that is not yet out there on the web, but rather as a way to document interesting findings of mine, small tweaks that worked out for me and that are often the product of web searches and lots of try-and-error. And if these could just be some random thoughts and notes spread all over my computer, they can also be decently organized and publicly shared for whoever may find them useful.