This is an index of all my projects and repositories related to university modules I attended as a student.

All βœ”οΈ are clickable and redirect to the corresponding repository, except for those modules with more than one project, in which case the hyperlinks are in parenthesis. Exercises are repositories containing my answers/solutions to questions from tests/exams/practical classes; Projects are repositories with the modules’ projects that I delivered; Forms are contents that lecturers let us consult during exams.


FEUP logo

I took the Integrated Masters in Informatics and Computing Engineering (3 years Bachelor + 2 years Master) at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. The main focuses of this course are:

  1. Software Engineering skills and tools;
  2. Knowledge of more theoretical fields like algorithmics, discrete mathematics, number theory, encryption, distributed systems, compilers, etc.
  3. A solid Engineering foothold, including a decent amount of algebra, calculus and physics (including mechanics and electromagnetism);

Items 2. and 3. are the ones that I usually consider to distinguish an Informatics Engineer from a Software Engineer; a Software Engineer is an expert on developing software, but an Informatics Engineer is required to have the creativity to overcome harder problems, which can only be done with deep understanding of how things actually work.

Acronym Name Resources
Exercises Projects Forms
1st Year
1st Semester
ALGE Algebra
AMAT Mathematical Analysis
AOCO Computer Architecture and Organization βœ”οΈ
FPRO Programming Fundamentals βœ”οΈ
MDIS Discrete Mathematics βœ”οΈ
PF Project FEUP βœ”οΈ
2nd Semester
CMAT Complements of Mathematics
FISI1 Physics I βœ”οΈ
MEST Statistical Methods
MPCP Microprocessors and PCs βœ”οΈ
PROG Programming βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ
2nd Year
1st Semester
TCOM Computing Theory βœ”οΈ
MNUM Numerical Methods βœ”οΈ
FIS2 Physics II βœ”οΈ
AEDA Algorithms and Data Structures βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ
LCOM Computer Laboratory βœ”οΈ
2nd Semester
BDAD Databases βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ
CAL Algorithm Design and Analysis βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ
CGRA Computer Graphics βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ
SOPE Operating Systems βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ (#1, #2) βœ”οΈ
LPOO Object Oriented Programming Laboratory βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ
3rd Year
1st Semester
ESOF Software Engineering βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ
LAIG Graphical Applications Laboratory βœ”οΈ
LTW Web Languages and Technologies βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ
PLOG Logic Programming βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ (#1, #2)
RCOM Computer Networks βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ (#1, #2)
2nd Semester
COMP Compilers βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ
IART Artificial Intelligence βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ (#1, #2)
LBAW Database and Web Apps Lab βœ”οΈ
PPIN Personal and Interpersonal Proficiency βœ”οΈ
SDIS Distributed Systems βœ”οΈ (TP, Ex) βœ”οΈ (#1, #2) βœ”οΈ
1st Year
1st Semester
AC Machine Learning βœ”οΈ
DS Large Scale Software Development
FSI Computer Security Foundations βœ”οΈ
PRI Information Processing and Retrieval βœ”οΈ
SDLE Large Scale Distributed Systems
2nd Semester
EDAA Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms βœ”οΈ
LGP Project Management Laboratory βœ”οΈ
O Optimization βœ”οΈ
SSI Computer Systems Security βœ”οΈ
SETR Embedded and Real Time Systems βœ”οΈ


TUM logo TUM Informatics logo

On the 1st Semester of the 2nd Year of my Master, I integrated the Erasmus+ exchange program so I could study at the Technical University of Munich. I integrated the Master of Informatics programme as an exchange student at the TUM Department of Informatics.

Acronym Name Resources
Exercises Projects Forms
2nd Year
1st Semester
ASE Advanced Topics of Software Engineering βœ”οΈ
CBDP Cloud-Based Data Processing βœ”οΈ (#1-2, #3, #4) βœ”οΈ
CSE Praktikum: Cloud Systems Engineering βœ”οΈ (#1, #2, #3, #4)
QO Query Optimization βœ”οΈ